We surveyed a handful of organization experts to find out the best fridge organization tips. Here are 100+ ways to whip your refrigerator into the best possible shape. Here at Parade.com, we’re all about sharing products we love with our audience. When you make a purchase on an item seen on this page, we may earn a commission, however, all picks are independently chosen unless otherwise mentioned.
100+ Fridge Organization Tips
Rachel Bruzek, D’Amico Catering Design and culinary manager, on how she organizes her meats and more:
- Meat should always go at the bottom of your fridge and be placed on a plate to catch any juice drippings from loose packaging.
- I wash and separate my romaine lettuce and pat it down with a paper towel. I then wrap it in a damp towel or paper towels and place it in the produce drawer of my fridge.
- I keep my jams and jellies on a small lazy susan in the fridge so I can see what my options are, instead of digging in the back of the fridge where those items typically get pushed. You can also do that with individual yogurts, or any other jarred condiments you want to keep in order.
- All my cheeses and meats are in one drawer in my fridge, providing easy access when I need to pull something out quickly.
- I keep all my liquid condiments on the door of the fridge. We have many! Sarah Giller Nelson, owner of Less is More Organizers, says it’s all about the labeling.
- When labeling the contents of the refrigerator, it’s best to use broad categories. Think “fruit” and “condiments” vs. “apples” and “jelly.” There is going to be a lot of turnover of items within the fridge. You don’t want to have to re-label containers and shelves each time you go grocery shopping. Jackie Pettus, founder and curator of HabiLinks Web Guide, “Lifestyle Links You Can Really Use,” advises keeping a running list of what you need to purchase.
- I keep a list of the grocery items we buy most often on the refrigerator. There’s a pen right next to it so family members can circle or add items. The list is organized according to the layout of my market (produce, dairy, etc.). On shopping day all that’s left to do is remember to bring the list, and stick to the list! Eileen Roth, organizing expert at Everything in its Place in Scottsdale, Arizona, and author of Organizing for Dummies, says categorizing can be extremely helpful.
- First determine where some items go based on height. So milk, juice and other drink items go on the top shelf of the fridge door. Small condiments go on door shelves. Larger jars like mayonnaise and spaghetti sauce go on top of the vegetable and fruit bins.
- Create categories. Just like you have vegetable, fruit and deli bin sections, make sections for other items by category. For example, all small jars (jelly, jam and pickles) are on the second shelf, left side.
- Leftovers and pre-made items (like tuna fish salad) are on the right side of the second shelf.
- Milk and orange juice bottles are on the right side door and other drinks are on the top shelf on the right side.
- You can even use categories within the deli drawer. Think cheese on one side, meats on the other side.
- For the freezer, keep meats in one area and frozen meals and desserts on another side. Since some meats are heavy, if you have a top freezer with a shelf, put meats and meals on the bottom and veggies and desserts on top. If you have a bottom freezer, make sections as much as possible in there too: one side for meat, one for desserts, one for veggies. Many bottom freezers do have sections now—some even come with a pizza tray. Joni Gonzales, founder Life Unflaked, suggests getting creative with containers.
- Mount a tiny magnetic whiteboard (with pen attached) on one wall inside. This is great for reminding everyone of produce, lunch meat and leftovers that are expiring soon.
- Use labels everywhere. Label shelves, bins and the insides of doors. When I started doing this 15 years ago, my family (even my teen son) magically started putting things back in consistent places (I know right? I was shocked too!). And labeling one shelf “leftovers” means no more moldy macaroni and cheese hiding behind the sour cream.
- Go container crazy. Corralling bottles and packages in low-sided containers keeps them from wandering around and leaking on other fridge dwellers, plus it keeps categories together for easy access. Less accidental duplicates, less messes to wipe up since they’re contained. You can find great low-sided containers at the Dollar Tree. Nicolette Pace, New York-based nutritionist and dietitian, explains that a little grouping can go a long way.
- Group frequently used items together. This makes them easier to access and cuts down on open-door time when you’re trying to find something, which in turn saves money on energy use. Darla DeMorrow, founder of HeartWork Organizing, LLC. in Wayne, Pennsylvania, says to always take inventory before going to the store.
- Label items in your fridge and freezer with colorful label tape. You can either label the sections where food should go (cheese, lunchmeat, fruit, condiments, etc.), label the containers themselves (meatloaf + date), or both.
- Organize your fridge and freezer before you go shopping. Organizing an empty fridge should take about ten minutes, and that’s time and money you’ll save once you are in the store. It can help you avoid re-buying things you already have, as well as re-buying things your family never quite gets around to eating. If you put it on autopilot, you never have a very big job on your hands.
- Eat all the food. The less that’s in the fridge, the less you have to move, toss, clean and organize. Toss anything that’s not edible. By the time you go shopping, the refrigerator may not be completely empty, but moving everything over to one shelf and wiping down the shelves is a breeze.
- The freezer is where good intentions go to die. Keeping it longer does not make it cheaper.
- Park treats out of the way. That way, you won’t see the ice cream every single time you open the fridge.
- Take the time to adjust your fridge shelving. You’ll literally create more space if you put the tall things all together on a shelf, and the shorter things all together on the same shelf. The same goes for kitchen cabinets. You can often add 20-30% more space just by re-adjusting shelf heights. I really like to have a narrow shelf for bread and buns, so they don’t get squished with heavier items on top of them.
- Stick with square and rectangular storage containers. They are more space-efficient inside your rectangular fridge than round containers are.
- Create more space in your fridge and your cabinets by actually using the organizing gadgets you own. Use the Tupperware FridgeSmart bins you bought 10 years ago that are gathering dust and taking up space in your cabinets. They really do work, as do many of the modern bags and tubs you’ve bought to keep fruits and veggies fresh longer.
- Cleaning your refrigerator isn’t a one-and-done event. Move things around every day to see what’s there, see what can go into tonight’s dinner, and what your family isn’t going to use or eat. Janilyn Hutchings, certified food safety professional at StateFoodSafety, talks about temperature:
- Store foods in the fridge according to cooking temperature, with foods that require the least cooking on top. That way if anything drips down, any bacteria that is transferred gets cooked out. Chef Elana Horwich has a great trick for storing herbs:
- Whenever I see vegetables I’ve ignored for a while like celery, carrots, leeks or any root vegetables that look like they’re nearly ready for the trash, I cut them into a few big chunks and add them to a Ziploc I keep in my freezer for broth. Then the next time I’m making homemade broth, I use them. And when I’m in a pinch and need to use boxed broth for a recipe, I’ll boil it first with some of these scraps for a more homemade flavor.
- I’m someone who doesn’t like the taste of water. I wish I did! So when I get home from the market, I take a few lemons, oranges or limes and slice them and keep them in a Ziploc in my freezer. I use the frozen pieces like flavorful and detoxifying ice cubes for my water bottle that I take on the town with me every day.
- I always have parsley and cilantro on hand, and I don’t take special care of them. I just throw them in the produce drawer. I still use them when floppy for cooking, salads, etc. But when they’re extra floppy, I make a pesto in my blender. Just add olive oil, salt and whatever seeds and nuts you have like pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds or walnuts. Add Parmigiano if you like and store in a jar in your fridge with a layer of olive oil on top. It’s great to eat with soups and stews! Randy Schultz, content editor at Home Garden and Homestead, says to check the expiration dates.
- I put yogurt and other containers in the fridge with the earliest expiration dates in front. That way, I always eat the items in order from oldest to newest—and minimize the waste. Amanda Clark, owner of Ever So Organized is all about an immediate wash and chop:
- At least once a month, check those expiration dates and toss what you can. Expired food often takes up valuable shelf space.
- Use clear, acrylic containers to separate foods by category. Kids, snacks, prepped meals, leftovers, etc. Label these containers to help members of the household keep to the system.
- Wash and chop fruits and vegetables right away. To avoid spoiling, I use Good Grips Greensaver Produce Keeper from OXO with my clients. They keep produce fresher longer and the baskets can also be used as colanders. You and your family members are more likely to grab for these healthy options if the prep is already done. Nicole Pomije, owner of The Cookie Cups, makes every shelf count.
- Each shelf should have a purpose. Example: top shelf is cheeses, yogurts, and grab-and-go stuff you go through quickly.
- Fresh herbs will last longer if you keep them in water in the fridge. Literally, just fill a cup with water like you are watering flowers and stick them in.
- Bottom shelf should be your meats. Chicken, red meat, sausage. Anything that could potentially drip on something else and spoil it. There is nowhere to drip down since they are already on the bottom! Yumna Jawad, the Feel Good Foodie, has a great plan for leftovers.
- Invest in a variety of clear bins. They come in different shapes and sizes to use for cheese, yogurt, drinks, etc. It makes organization a breeze, and it’s very practical for kids to pull out a bin to grab a cheese stick or yogurt, for example.
- Line vegetable drawers with paper towels. It helps to absorb moisture from the produce to keep them crisp, and it makes it easier to clean up the drawer in the future. You can replace them every couple of weeks.
- Use dividers in vegetable drawers. You can find rubber, plastic or wood dividers that are often used to organize desk drawers. These work great in fridges to compartmentalize the various produce, help spot them easily and maximize freshness.
- Place any leftovers or low-shelf life foods on the top shelf. This keeps it top of mind to help avoid food waste. I always place berries on top along with opened marinara jars or leftovers from dinner, for example.
- Avoid placing milk and eggs on the fridge doors. This is actually the warmest part of the fridge, so I like to use it for condiments, sauces, jams, pickles and olives. Those items have long shelf lives and are not as sensitive to temperature changes as milk and eggs. Dr. Amna Husain, pediatrician with Pure Direct Pediatrics, adds a few extra shelves to her fridge:
- Condiments usually have a long shelf life. When I plan my meals for the week, I try to check out expiration dates on the different jars and use them up in my recipes to create dressings or marinades to help declutter. Myfridgefood.com is a great resource! Adding a small lazy Susan in the fridge is also helpful for placing condiments in an easy-to-reach area.
- I try to take a good look at my fridge once a week before I start planning my grocery list. This keeps me from buying double the amount of something I already have and helps me to come up with ideas to repurpose leftovers. Something that also helps is really taking the time to evaluate which items you use more frequently and place the shelf heights accordingly. For instance, jams, which are used more frequently, may be closer to eye level but items like Reddi-Whip or Pad Thai sauce, which are used infrequently, could be closer to the bottom. Heather Ramsdell, food expert and editorial director at The Spruce Eats, is all about stacking.
- Label (and date) anything you’ve wrapped in tinfoil, placed in a freezer bag, or stored in a plastic container. This way you won’t have to worry about any mystery foods.
- Refrigerators have different temperature and humidity zones. Learn which foods go where.
- If you store a lot of food in containers, buy stackable ones of uniform size and shape. They’ll fit into the fridge and freezer in a way that uses less space than haphazardly stacking food in different packages. There are also specially shaped organizers for holding wine, soda cans, and other uniquely shaped items within your fridge. These can help to keep everything neat and maximize space as well. Danielle Pientka of DIYDanielle.com, makes her own shelf liners.
- I try to avoid disposable products so I made my own reusable liners that I can wash. Liners I make with tutorials can be found here.
- While cleaning the fridge shelf isn’t really super difficult, I find that it makes clean up a lot easier for big messes like ketchup or soy sauce. Deanna at Asian Test Kitchen, has some great organizing tips you’ve probably never thought of.
- Write down the date you opened a jar or bottle with a sharpie or piece of masking tape. Even if the item is within the expiration date, you may not want to eat it any more if it’s been open for a year.
- If you don’t bake often, use spare baking sheets, trays, and pans to organize food in the fridge. This will give free up storage space while keeping your refrigerator shelves tidy and free from drips and spills with washable containers.
- Take inventory once a month. You’re more likely to use something if you wrote it down on a sheet and know it’s available. The ZeroCater Snacks & Kitchens team helps you keep your office fridge in check.
- Using clear bins allows you to keep an eye on quantities. That way you can restock as needed so you never run out.
- For multiple items (like condiments) we recommend using a deeper bin that can be pulled out to sort and choose. Just be sure to measure the height and width so it fits.
- For office fridges, we recommend reserving a space for employees’ personal stashes (a shelf or drawer depending on the size of your office).
- Keep markers near the fridge so your team can write their names on to-go boxes and leftovers Abbie Gellman, NYC-based registered dietitian and chef, has some great advice on how to freeze extra meats.
- Any seafood, meat or poultry you are not going to cook within three days should go into the freezer.
- Split up large packs of meat or poultry—chicken breasts, for example—and place into individual portion freezer-safe resealable bags. If you’re not going to use it within three days, place it in the freezer. You can grab it already portioned whenever you need it!
- Place individual portion-sized foods together, such as yogurt and cottage cheese. This way you’ll always know what’s there and can grab and go! The Sisters Home Services are all about adding shelving space:
- If you only have one shelf if your freezer, consider using an expandable self or under-shelf basket. Place either of these solutions to create more storage and add more shelf space. You can divide up each category of food like veggies, meats and sweets. Steph Young, founder and writer at CampingCooks.com, on what she keeps in her fridge door.
- Keep your go-to items at the front or on the door. Every second your refrigerator door is open, you’re letting out cool air and increasing how much you’re paying for electricity. By organizing your refrigerator with your most-used foods, drinks, and condiments at the front and your rarely-used stuff near the back (maple syrup, for example), you can significantly reduce the amount of time it stays open over the course of a month or a year.
- Another principle to live by is “first in, first out.” Keep the old stuff in front of the new stuff when you restock your refrigerator—finish your older deli meat before the new package you just bought.
- Don’t put things like milk or cream on the door. They’ll go bad more quickly. Annie Draddy, professional organizer and co-founder of Henry & Higby:
- If you have kids, put their snacks on the lower shelves or in a drawer. This way, they can reach them on their own.
- Keep back stock in the back. These should be placed behind the open items that need to be used up first. ChihYu Smith, founder of I Heart Umami, says to pre-chop.
- Chopped ginger, scallions, garlic and onions store well in the freezer. Store them in freezer-friendly bags so they won’t make your fridge smell and they stay fresh in the freezer for a long time. Ron Shimek, president of Mr. Appliance, says you’re probably putting things in your fridge that don’t belong in there.
- Clean out items that should not be refrigerated. Did you know that not everything should go in the fridge? There are some foods we stick in the fridge simply out of habit that should actually be kept at room temperature. Keri Houchin, a lifestyle blogger and owner of OneMamasDailyDrama.com, helps takes the stress out of meal planning.
- When making your weekly meal plan, start by planning meals around the fresh produce you already have. Using things up at their freshest will taste better and prevent you from finding an unpleasant surprise in the veggie drawer.
- After you do your weekly grocery shopping, set aside about half an hour to do meal prep. Trim and package meats and freeze anything you won’t be eating this week. Do things that will really save you time and help you eat better, like chopping vegetables for salads to take to work. Amber Adams, founder of Kitchens Ready, has a great trick for keeping produce fresh.
- We found that washing and completely drying spinach and placing it in an airtight container with a dry paper towel kept it fresh for almost 10 days!
- You should pay heed to the separate vegetable and fruit crisper drawers labels in your fridge (here). Certain fruits like apples, melons, pears, kiwi, peaches, and tomatoes are ethylene-producing fruit and these fruits can cause vegetables to wilt and decay too quickly. This is why you’ll often see your crisper drawers labeled with “vegetables” and “fruits.” David Nico, Ph.D., LMC loves to use glass containers.
- For cooked food, make the dish in advance and portion out for the week using glass containers with separate compartments. Glass storage containers are the least reactive to store cooked foods. Plastic containers may mesh with food or unleash harmful chemicals into the food if left in heat or stored for long periods. Use glass containers with different sizes for storing foods. For example, use a three-portion glass container for a sweet potato in one area, mixed vegetables in another, and wild fish in the third compartment. Stack them in the fridge for the week for ready-made meals versus throwing the excess away.
- To keep foods fresher longer, shop for an ozone generator. This will extend food use further, as long as it is safe (according to FDA ozone regulations) for household refrigeration use.
- Make sure the glass containers have a small hole on the top of the lid to allow air into the container, as it allows O3 or activated oxygen to get into the container inside the refrigerator. With a small amount of exposure, foods may last up to two to three times longer in the fridge without spoiling. Maya Bach, MPH, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist, has a great system for organizing your snacks.
- Place fresh produce in bright, attractive containers at eye level in the fridge. Take produce out of their wrapping/containers and move them from the bottom bin to a shelf. That when, when you’re hungry and open the fridge, these fiber-rich options are one of the first things you see.
- I recommend “snack pairing.” Placing a dip immediately next to raw veggies. Since many of us don’t eat enough vegetables across the day, this may help encourage more healthful snacking when a dip (hummus, guacamole, for example) is involved. Julie Stobbe, founder of Mind Over Clutter in Niagara, Ontario, doesn’t want you to lose your leftovers.
- Don’t lose your leftovers/planned overs. Pick one shelf or half shelf in the fridge and put all your leftovers in that spot. They won’t get lost at the back of fridge or forgotten in among the other food in the fridge. Make sure that shelf gets emptied every week. Ben Soreff, professional organizer in Norwalk, Connecticut, says to save prime fridge space for what you’re going to be using often.
- One way to save space is to not put things in the fridge in the first place. For some people, family tradition dictates putting bread, potatoes, onions and tomatoes in the fridge. You don’t need to. The fridge destroys their flavor.
- Organizing 101 is to store items we don’t use often more remotely. For the fridge, if you truly need to keep it cold but don’t use the item often, don’t store in the prime areas of the fridge. However, if the item isn’t expensive and is easy to buy again, perhaps don’t keep it in the fridge or at all—especially if you only have it for that recipe you only make once a year.
- Tin foil and non-clear containers create barriers. We aren’t putting leftovers in the fridge to create a food museum. If you want to get the food out again and actually eat it. Clear is the way to go. If you have the time use something simple even a post it will do to write the date on the item to take away guessing. Amy Bloomer, founder and owner of Let Your Space BLOOM, LLC, has a genius idea for creating “food zones.”
- Create zones for different categories of food. Also a zone for any visiting guests!
- #roygbiv that produce! In other words, organize by color: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
- Keep healthy snacks easily accessible for kids and hungry adults. You’ll all feel a lot better when you do.
- Clean out your fridge at the beginning of each season and after major food-centric holidays. This keeps your fridge ready for the tastes of the new season. Sarah Grant, founder and lead organizer at be.neat studio, says to make use of all those fancy adjustable shelves.
- To get your daily dose of fruit and vegetables, maximize your crisper space. Do this by keeping your fruit loose and trimming any bulky veggies in advance. A quick trim of your celery stalks and broccoli can help carve out so much extra space.
- Always remove excess packaging, which takes up extra space as the food or drink is consumed. You’ll also appreciate the ease of grabbing things like a yogurt or beverage each time.
- Don’t forget that most fridge shelves are adjustable (including on the doors). Take stock of what fills up your fridge, grouping by category, and adjust your shelves to align with the varying heights of your favorite types of foods. Once you customize your shelf height, go ahead and label each area to maintain the order. Sherri Monte, co-owner of Elegant Simplicity tells us where to store the most perishable foods.
- If this is the first time you’re giving your fridge an organizing makeover (or if it’s been a while), remove everything. Or if you’re on top of your fridge organization game, you can do this shelf-by-shelf. I recommend storing the perishables in a cooler so that stuff doesn’t go bad while you clean.
- To prolong shelf life, store your ethylene-producing fruits like apples, pears, mangos, kiwi, etc. separately from vegetables like broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce or avocados.
- Get an herb saver. They keep your herbs fresh and contain the water so you never have to worry about it spilling. I love this one.
- Short on space? Prep your food. Cut your carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower and anything else that is generally bulky and store them in clear containers. This saves space in your refrigerator and time when cooking. Julie Brooks, a certified professional organizer and owner of Peaceful Place Home Organizers has a great decluttering hack:
- Declutter items that are old or purely “aspirational. “That jar of tapenade you got as a gift but have never been sure what to do with, so you just hang onto it even though you don’t like olives? Yeah, get rid of it. Amy Vance, owner of Eco Modern Concierge, wants you to freshen up your fridge.
- Stick an Arm & Hammer Fridge Fresh filter in there to help with odors and keep the fridge fresh. Laura Miner, a recipe writer and foodie behind the healthy cooking blog Cook at Home Mom, says to buy only what you need.
- Keep things that need to be eaten quickly at eye level, in the front, so you don’t forget about them!
- Fridge space is a limited resource, so buy smaller! Just because it’s cheaper to buy in bulk doesn’t mean it’s best, and buying smaller sizes means you won’t need to squish the rest of your groceries in to make room for your gallon jar of pickles. Paulina Nowak, a practicing dietician and director of nutrition-related content at Authority Dental, gives his healthier options prime real estate.
- Try to put the best, healthier products higher, in the line of your sight! If you do that, there is a greater chance that you will eat a carrot for a snack than, say, some sausages that are lying low in your fridge Adam Povlitz, President & CEO of Anago Cleaning System, helps make fridge cleaning more fun.
- Turn on some music. If the task feels miserable, at least put on your favorite jam before you, um, remove your favorite jam from the side shelf of the fridge.
- Remove everything from the fridge. Separate the items, like things going bad in the fridge and food that might not make the cut.
- Remove shelves, drawers and everything else that can be cleaned. Then put them in the sink.
- Spray the fridge with a mixture of vinegar and water, especially the gunky spots that are starting to make you gag. Let that stuff sit. Gunk and vinegar need alone time before they start working.
- Sink or swim. Now, to clean the shelves and drawers: Use elbow grease under bright light. You don’t want a snarky spouse or child smugly saying “You missed a spot….”
- Wipe the vinegar and gunk and hope you won’t have to scrub harder and get old mushrooms under your fingernails. Don’t forget to use rubber gloves!
- Put the food back in, wash your hands, and dance in the kitchen like nobody’s watching. You earned it. You cleaned out the fridge, for crying out loud! Professional home organizer Laura Bostrom of Everyday Order wants you to store things outside of their packages.
- Maximize your fridge space by decanting fruit into glass food storage containers and remove all cardboard and plastic packaging from yogurts, sodas and kid snacks. Sonja Meehan, a professional organizer and owner of Simply Thriving Organization, suggests creating a bin for food that’s in danger of going bad.
- Use an “eat me” bin for food that should be eaten soon. This draws attention to items that will spoil if not used in the next few days and can really reduce your food waste.
- For families who plan meals and shop for a week at a time, use a “reserved” bin for items that are needed for a specific meal or an “up for grabs” bin for items that are not. This way you won’t find yourself in the middle of a recipe for goat cheese quesadillas and find that someone ate all the goat cheese. Mindy Godding, a certified professional organizer, found a great way to store those wine bottles that never seem to fit.
- Prevent the buildup of expired food by repackaging your groceries once you get them home. For example, individually wrap each chicken breast so you can file them into a bin you can place in the freezer. Separating foods is a big help when it comes to meal planning and it makes items smaller and more manageable to store.
- Wine bottles always seem to be too tall to fit in the fridge. Stacking them on their side can help. The containers allow bottles to be stacked which makes them easier to grab. No more pushing items aside to pull the big bottle of wine out.
- Place cold cuts and cheese in a shallow bin with a lid like this. You can stack them and keep them fresh and you won’t have to dig into the deli drawer to find what you need.
- IDesign has several products made specifically for organizing the fridge and pantry. They are stackable, modular, clear and sturdy. You can write directly on the containers to label them and mark their expiration date. Check them out here.
How to Keep Your Refrigerator Organized
Keeping your fridge neat, tidy and filled with prepped-and-ready fare helps you know exactly what you have and gives you fast, healthy options whenever hunger strikes—which can help you make smarter food choices overall. Here’s a look at how McKel Hill, registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition Stripped, keeps her fridge stocked and organized and how you can do the same. Start with a clean slate. The first step to fridge organization is taking everything out. Go through what you have and get rid of anything that’s expired (hello, year-old jar of pickles!) or looks or smells funky (we’re looking at you, moldy yogurt). Then once the fridge is totally empty, use a little bit of elbow grease to make those bins and shelves sparkle. “Literally take everything out and clean it with a natural cleaner that’s effective,” Hill says. (Try Mrs. Meyers Multi-Surface Cleaner or The Honest Company Multi-Surface Cleaner.) “And use alcohol wipes on the handles or things you touch routinely.” It’ll take a little bit of time, sure. But the satisfaction of not seeing rogue cheese shreds or stuck-on bits of jam will be so worth it. Stock up on good-for-you foods. Now that your fridge is both spotless and empty, it’s time to start thinking about what to put back in. “Choose items that support your health goals,” Hill recommends. Think fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, flavorful condiments (like mustard, miso paste and low-sodium soy sauce), nuts and seeds (they’ll stay fresh longer in the fridge than in the pantry), and all-natural, low- or no-calorie drinks like sparkling water or unsweetened iced tea. Prep before you put away. Just having a bunch of kale or chicken breasts in your fridge doesn’t guarantee they’ll actually get eaten. Instead of tossing raw ingredients straight into your fridge, prep them when you bring them home so they’re ready to go later, Hill suggests. Not only does having food ready to go make it easier to eat healthier, it can help you avoid waste and spend less on groceries. Some ideas:
Wash, chop and dry veggies for fast salads, stir-fries or soups.Wash and dry fruit for easy snacking.Whip up a few meals or meal components. Make a batch of chia pudding for breakfast, cook up a pot of quinoa for fast grain bowls, or sauté chicken breasts with peppers to use as a filling for tacos.
Get transparent. Unless you’re able to recount everything in your fridge from memory (and if you are, go you!) packing food in clear storage containers is key for reminding you what’s in stock. “Sometimes people put things in there and forget about them, so having glass containers is a great way to reveal what you already have,” Hill says Glass vessels with snap-on lids are sturdy, leak- and spill-proof, and of course, they just look pretty. Stock up on containers in a range of sizes—smaller ones are great for individual servings, while bigger ones work better for large batches. (Try Bayco’s 24-piece set.) Compartmentalize. Store similar foods together rather than tossing items in the fridge willy-nilly. (For instance, keep veggies in one area, sauces and condiments in another, drinks in another, and so on.) “This helps you be more efficient in grabbing things on the go or gathering the ingredients you need for mealtime,” Hill says. Where you put different food groups isn’t as important—if the system works for you, it works! Just make an effort to keep healthier food front and center. “It’ll help remind you of your goal to eat more of them,” says Hill. Got stuff you want to eat a little less often, like leftover pizza or dessert? Stick it towards the back so it doesn’t tempt you every time you open the fridge. Reassess regularly. Just like closets and catch-all drawers, organized fridges don’t stay that way for long without some occasional upkeep. Do weekly clean-outs to use up, compost, or toss any items that have been sitting around for a while. And once a month or so, take everything out to give the shelves and bins a thorough wipe-down. Next up, Put Down That Pile! Here Are 25 Laundry Room Organization Ideas You Won’t Want to Miss