Just when you thought the zit on your forehead was the most annoying thing ever—bam! You feel a pimple forming inside your nose. If you’ve ever had a pimple in your nose before, then you know how frustrating and painful those buggers are (especially if you try to pop them). Parade consulted Dr. Sheilagh Maguiness, MD, board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of Stryke Club, to find out what causes in-nose pimples. “If you have oily skin and are prone to acne, you may end up with an occasional pimple on the inner surface of your nose,” Dr. Maguiness tells Parade. “The skin on the inner surface of the nose contains hair follicles and therefore, just like anywhere else on your skin, it can be prone to acne, folliculitis, or less commonly, other infections.” Keep reading for expert-backed tips on how to get rid of a pimple in your nose—as well as what causes them, how to prevent them, and more.

What is Pimple In Your Nose?

A nose pimple is just a regular pimple that (annoyingly) develops inside or on the nostrils of your nose. Since it’s such a tender spot, it can be sensitive and pretty unforgiving should you try to pop it. There are three main kinds of pimples that most frequently can form inside your nose. Dr. Maguiness breaks down each below:

Cysts: Cysts are deep, inflamed nodules and they can be painful. Cystic acne is possible around the nose or even on the skin and mucosa just inside the nose where hair follicles are present.Papules and pustules: Papules and pustules can also occur on the nose, around the nose, and within the nose itself. These are red, inflamed bumps that may or may not have a white pustule in the center.Whiteheads: Whiteheads may occur in and around the nose; these are small white bumps that represent a clogged hair follicle; another name for whitehead is a closed comedone.

9 Causes of Pimples In Your Nose

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but if you find yourself experiencing an in-nose pimple, it may be difficult to narrow down the cause. After all, a handful of potential causes could be to blame and that includes some everyday, innocuous activities like blowing your nose, even. “Irritation or trauma to the nose from environmental allergies, blowing your nose, and plucking or tweezing hairs can all lead to abrasions in the delicate skin and mucosal barrier of your nose,” Dr. Maguiness explains, “leaving you more prone to pimples or superficial skin infections in the area.” Here are 9 reasons why you may get a pimple in your nose:

1. Blowing your nose too hard

No, seriously. In the words of Beyoncé, don’t hurt yourself. Blowing your nose too hard can actually be causing trauma to your nose and can even result in a pimple. “If you blow your nose due to an upper respiratory infection or allergies, you could be inadvertently traumatizing the sensitive skin and mucosal surface in and around your nose,” Dr. Maguiness says. “This might make you more prone to irritation and pimples in your nose. However, blowing your nose will not cause more hair to grow.” Your best bet? Don’t put too much oomph behind blowing your nose. Lightly blow into a tissue to avoid causing trauma to your nose.

2. Clogged pores

Clogged pores—they’re the absolute nemesis of clear skin. And just how clogged pores on your face can cause acne, clogged pores can happen inside your nose and cause pimples in there, too. “Just like anywhere on your face in general, if hair follicles on the inner nares (nose) become irritated or clogged with dirt, bacteria, or oil, you might find yourself struggling with a pimple on the inside of your nose,” Dr. Maguiness explains. Lots of factors can clog your pores—like, dead skin or excess oil—but, in some skin types, a likely culprit could be occlusive products. “Occlusive products are meant to provide a protective barrier on your skin, effectively trapping in moisture,” Dr. Maguiness says. “White petrolatum (ie. Vaseline) is a common occlusive moisturizer. However, it should be noted that not all occlusive products are comedogenic. In fact, it is a common myth that petroleum jelly is comedogenic; it technically is not comedogenic as it forms a barrier on the skin’s surface without penetrating or blocking hair follicles.” But while occlusive products are usually a good product choice—especially for dry skin—overusing or using them on oily or combination skin could further increase your risk of acne and in-nose pimples.

3. Diet

Diet impacts almost every aspect of our health, so it goes without saying that what you put inside your body today could cause a breakout later. In fact, one study showed that people who regularly ate added sugars had a 30 percent increased risk of breaking out in acne. Separate research also found that teens who frequently consumed milk and ice cream were four times more likely to suffer from acne. “If you tend to be prone to acne, a diet low in sugar (ie: low glycemic index diet) can be helpful,” Dr. Maguiness says. “Excess dairy consumption and certain supplements, such as whey protein powders, have also been linked to worsening acne, so these could also be limited.”

4. Hormones and genetics

Dr. Rosmy Barrios, MD, Head of the anti-aging department at IM Clinic and regenerative medicine specialist at Swiss Medica, and Medical Content Author at Health Reporter, tells Parade that hormones can play a role, too. “There are many reasons why acne can occur inside the nose Their onset may be influenced by hormonal changes, such as during puberty or the female cycle,” Dr. Barrios explains. “Genetics also plays an important role here. Unfortunately, the tendency for acne to rise inside the nose can be inherited.”

5. Ingrown hairs

Ugh, ingrown hairs suck. But as frustrating as they can be to deal with—no matter where they occur—you can take comfort in the fact that they’re pretty common. “Ingrown hairs are very common and can occur also within your nose,” Dr. Maguiness explains. “When hairs are plucked, shaved or just traumatized in any manner, inflammation might impact the way the hair grows back. Its normal path might be blocked and it may begin to grow sideways or underneath the debris, causing an ingrown hair.”

6. Nose piercings

Any kind of “trauma” to the nose can result in a pimple popping up. A piercing qualifies as exactly that—a type of trauma. After all, it’s an open hole in your nose that, especially when first created, can become infected. “Nose piercings essentially create a small sinus from the outer surface of your nose to the inner mucosal surface. Nose piercings also pierce through the cartilage of the nose, which is a delicate structure that can be prone to inflammation and scarring,” Dr. Maguiness says. “When you have a piercing, bacteria from the skin’s surface such as cutibacterium acnes or staphylococcal aureus, has a direct connection to the inner mucosal surface of your nose.” Naturally, that direct connection acts brings bacteria right in, increasing the risk of infection, inflammation, and yes—even acne. “This connection from the piercing makes it more likely for you to get inflammation, pimples, or even a staph infection at the piercing site,” Dr. Maguiness adds. The good news is that it’s easily preventable. If you recently got a nose piercing, be sure to clean the area thoroughly and frequently and to consult a doctor if you experience any symptoms or pain. “It is important to keep the piercing clean, and if any pain, redness, or drainage occurs in the area, remove the nose ring and see your doctor as antibiotic ointments or medication could be necessary,” Dr. Maguiness says.

7. Picking your nose

It’s gross, sure, but even adults pick from time to time. Strangely enough, this, too, is even considered a type of trauma and as such, nose-picking can cause an in-nose pimple. “Similar to shaving or plucking your nose hairs, picking your nose aggressively might lead to trauma to the skin and hair follicles, predisposing you to pimples, cysts, or infection in your nose,” Dr. Maguiness says. All in all, be sure to carefully (and gingerly) blow your nose and if you really, really need to pick, do so carefully. And please, wash your hands afterward!

8. Stress

Dr. Maguiness put it best: “Stress never makes anything better.” In fact, it’s specifically known to make things worse—especially when it comes to acne. One study found stress exacerbates acne in people who are already acne sufferers. Though stress doesn’t necessarily cause in-nose pimples directly, acne is acne; and like Dr. Maguiness says, it can occur anywhere. “Stress in our lives leads to increased levels of cortisol in our bodies, which can worsen inflammatory skin conditions like acne,” Dr. Maguiness explains.

9. Tweezing or plucking nose hairs

Nasty nose hair driving you nuts? We know, we know—you probably want to tweeze it or pluck it. But even that can cause trauma to the nose, which can ultimately result in a pimple later on. “Irritation from plucking and tweezing can absolutely lead to pimples, whiteheads, cysts, or even infection (ie: folliculitis) within your nose,” Dr. Maguiness says. “The trauma from plucking causes inflammation or small abrasions around the hair follicles, making them very likely to become infected or inflamed. In addition, most individuals already harbor bacteria like staph aureus on the inner vestibule of their nose, so in general there’s just a lot more bacteria around at that site to cause problems within the hair follicles.” If you absolutely can’t fight the urge to pluck a nose hair, try a different approach. According to Dr. Maguiness, hair trimmers are a better, less invasive option. “Consider switching to an electric nose hair trimmer,” Dr. Maguiness advises. “These won’t be as abrasive to the sensitive follicles on the inside of your nose. In addition, applying an ointment like plain Vaseline after you pluck or shave your nose hairs can help to soothe the area and provide some protection from bacteria entering the hair follicles. "

How to prevent in-nose pimples

The best, least painful way to deal with an in-nose pimple is to stop it before it even happens. Easier said than done, sure, but if you know the causes, then it’s a bit easier to stop in-nose pimples in their tracks. “Preventing pimples on the inside of your nose depends on what is causing them. For most people, it is likely related to either acne or folliculitis—a superficial bacterial infection within the hair follicle most commonly caused by staph aureus,” Dr. Maguiness explains. “For those who get frequent pimples and pustules in their nose, it might be a good idea to check in with your doctor for a bacterial culture, as staph aureus infection might be the cause and should be treated appropriately.” If you’re simply prone to acne, it’s best all-around to find the skincare products and routine that work for you. That way, it won’t just reduce your chances of in-nose pimples, but really, all acne as well. “For people who tend to get acne in or around the nose, a skin regimen aimed at preventing and treating acne is a good start,” Dr. Maguiness adds. “A good first approach to pimples in your nose is to use an antimicrobial cleanser on a regular basis to gently cleanse bacteria away from the skin’s surface, including around the nose. Look for cleansers with ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or sodium hypochlorite, as both of those are antimicrobial. For a gentle cleanser you can use daily containing sodium hypochlorite, the Stryke Club Face First Cleanser is a great option.” Remember: any kind of trauma to the skin can increase your risk of a pimple popping up. Avoid trauma like the plague and well, you’ll evade pimples like the plague, too. “Avoiding trauma to your nose in the first place will also help prevent in nose pimples,” Dr. Maguiness says. “Avoid excessive plucking or shaving of nose hairs, and/or consider an electric shaver for this sensitive area. Avoid aggressive manipulation, touching or picking of the nose—hands off!” Refraining from touching your face isn’t all you can do in terms of prevention. Dr. Maguiness adds, “Getting adequate sleep, changing your bedding and pillowcases frequently, and avoiding touching your face are also all good practices.”

How to get rid of a pimple in your nose

Sometimes the worst part of getting a pimple is when you can feel it coming… but can’t stop it. So, if you feel a big one forming inside your nose, what should you do? If you have an active pimple at the edge of your nose or just on the most anterior inner surface, an effective approach would be to employ an acne spot treatment,” Dr. Maguiness explains. “Try one with either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide and apply a very small amount a couple times daily to help reduce inflammation and bacteria in the area. The Stryke Stick by Stryke Club is a great, portable, and effective option.” Most pimples inside the nose will go away on their own or can be treated at home with spot treatment. But if you find yourself dealing with a pimple very, very deep inside the nose, it might require a more keen eye. “Use the Stryke Stick] cautiously and never apply any treatment deeply into the mucosal surface of your nose, as this may further irritate your mucous membranes,” Dr. Maguiness adds. “If you have a pimple that seems very deep, you may need to see your doctor.”

Should Pop a Pimple In Your Nose?

At all costs, avoid popping. Sure, a good “pop” is satisfying and yes, pimples can be frustrating (and embarrassing) to look at. But most professionals—dermatologists and estheticians alike—recommend against at-home popping due to the further trauma it can cause. “Under no circumstances should you squeeze out your pimples,” Dr. Barrios advises. “Other measures to remove acne suddenly can also worsen the inflammation as the infection can spread and possibly cause serious complications. If acne in your nose increases and torments you for a long time, you should see your doctor.” Dr. Maguiness adds that if you’re experiencing additional symptoms, such as drainage from the area, that it could be an indication of an infection. “If you have a large, painful lesion that is draining, apply a warm compress and a bland ointment such as plain Vaseline petroleum jelly,” Dr. Maguiness adds. “If this occurs, you should also check in with your doctor as a staph infection might be brewing. " Next up, do pimple patches actually work?


Dr. Sheilagh Maguiness, board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of Stryke ClubDr. Rosmy Barrios, Head of the anti-aging department at IM Clinic and regenerative medicine specialist at Swiss Medica and Medical Content Author at Health Reporter"How to Clear and Prevent Clogged Pores.” Medical News Today"Acne: prevalence and relationship with dietary habits in Eskisehir, Turkey.““High glycemic load diet, milk and ice cream consumption are related to acne vulgaris in Malaysian young adults: a case control study.” How to Get Rid of a Pimple In Your Nose and Where They Come From - 24