According to dermatologists, ear blackheads are actually pretty common. But that doesn’t make them any less annoying. Fortunately, there are both ways to make them less likely to pop up and solutions for getting rid of them when they do.

Why Ears Are a Common Place for Blackheads to Form

“Blackheads—which are medically known as open comedones—are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles or pores,” explains Yale- and Harvard-educated dermatologist Dr. Kemunto Mokaya, MD. She explains that blackheads are a mild form of acne and earned their moniker because they look black or dark brown on the surface. “The stuff that clogs the pores and hair follicles is a mixture of sebum—oils naturally secreted by our skin—and dead skin cells,” Dr. Mokaya says. “They develop a dark color [when this mixture] is exposed to air, which oxidizes the sebum and dead skin cells.” So why the heck do they form in our ears? “Ears are vulnerable to developing blackheads because the ear is comprised of many follicles which can lead to build-up of sebum,” says Dr. Marisa Garshick, MD, a dermatologist at Manhattan Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery and an advisor for BioRepublic. She explains that residue from hair products, oil from the hair and dead skin can all contribute to clogged pores and blackheads in the ears. Dr. Mokaya also points out that we put a lot of stuff in our ears, like earbuds, earpieces and headphones. “Oil and dirt can cling onto these [objects] and transfer to the ears,” she says. “Earbuds, earpieces and headphones can also block pores, which traps oils and dead cells in the skin inside the ear canal,” she adds.

How to Prevent Blackheads from Forming in Your Ears

Since anything we put in our ears can contribute to blackheads forming, Dr. Mokaya says that one way to prevent them is by keeping your phone, earbuds, headphones and earpieces clean. She recommends disinfecting them once or twice a week. If you can avoid wearing them for prolonged lengths of time, she says that will help too. Dr. Mokaya says regularly washing your pillowcases can also help cut down on oils, bacteria and dirt from making their way into your ears, and then causing blackheads to form. Avoiding touching your ears is another way to prevent blackheads since our fingers often have oils, bacteria and dirt on them. While it may not be part of the body you think about keeping clean, Dr. Garshick says regularly cleaning your ears can help too. She recommends using a cotton ball to carefully clean the skin on the ears (not inside), specifying that products with salicylic acid are most effective in unclogging pores.  “This beta-hydroxy acid is oil-soluble and acts as an exfoliant to dissolve excess oil and dead skin cells on your skin,” she says. “In the form of a cleanser, it can be applied with a washcloth during your shower and can be effective in preventing and treating blackheads in your ear.” She also points out that since oils and dirt can easily be transferred from hair to ears, washing your hair regularly is helpful.

How to Treat Blackheads That Form In Your Ears

Still, even with all these precautions, sometimes blackheads will still sprout up in your ears. “As tempting as it may be, it’s important to avoid picking or popping the blackheads, as this can lead to scarring and infection,” Dr. Garshick says.  Remember how Dr. Garshick said that products with salicylic acid help unclog pores? Dr. Mokaya says this type of product comes in handy here. “Apply the cleanser on a cotton ball and use it to gently cleanse the external cavities and parts of the ear. Be sure to rinse off well,” she says. Dr. Mokaya says that there are also creams that include salicylic acid that can be used right on the blackheads too. She says that as an alternative to salicylic acid, products with witch hazel and even a clay mask can be used. (Hey, don’t knock a clay ear mask until you’ve tried it.) As a last resort, Dr. Mokaya says you can have the blackheads extracted by a dermatologist or aesthetician. Blackheads are annoying—no matter where on the body they are. But beyond that, they are pretty harmless and don’t cause any serious health issues. Consider them just a gentle reminder to wash your ears every once in a while. Just like other parts of the body, the ears need some love and attention too. Next up, here is everything you need to know about sebaceous filaments.


Dr. Kemunto Mokaya, MD, board-certified, Ivy League-educated dermatologist specializing in medical, surgical, ethnic, and cosmetic dermatologyDr. Marisa Garshick, MD, dermatologist at Manhattan Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery and an advisor for BioRepublic.