Here’s how the night went: The two artists from each team with the highest score from America’s votes were automatically put through. Each coach then selected one artist to move forward. And then, the next highest vote earner from each team competed in the Wildcard Instant Save, joined by the winner of the Comeback Vote. One of the five artists from the Save moved on to the Top 13.
Who was eliminated on The Voice Season 21 last week?
Bella DeNapoli
David Vogel Libianca Katie Rae Peedy Chavis Raquel Trinidad Samuel Harness Vaughn Mugol
Who made it through to the Top 13 on The Voice Season 21?
Girl Named Tom
GymaniHailey MiaHolly Forbes Jeremy Rosado Jershika Maple Jim and Sasha Allen Joshua Vacanti Lana Scott Paris Winningham Ryleigh Plank Shadale Wendy Moten
The results began with Team Kelly Clarkson. The first person saved by America’s vote was Girl Named Tom, followed by Jeremy Rosado. Then Kelly selected Gymani to also go through. Second up was Team John Legend. The first person saved on Team Legend was Jershika Maple, followed by Joshua Vacanti. John picked Shadale to complete his team for the Top 13. Team Ariana Grande was next. The first person voted through by America was Jim and Sasha Allen. America also saved Holly Forbes. Ariana chose Ryleigh Plank to move on. The final team of the night to get its results was Team Blake Shelton. The first save announced was Wendy Moten; the second was Paris Winningham. Blake opted to put Lana Scott through. Carson then revealed the Wildcard Instant Save performers: Hailey Mia from Team Kelly, Samuel Harness from Team Legend, Bella DeNapoli from Team Ariana, and Peedy Chavis from Team Blake. They were joined by the winner of the Comeback Artist Vote Vaughn Mugol from Team Ariana. Samuel performed Lewis Capaldi’s “Before You Go.” John said, “This moment pushed you to be the best you’ve ever been on this show. You were incredible tonight. You were pitch perfect. Your tone was beautiful.” Bella performed Christina Aguilera’s “Ain’t No Other Man.” Ariana said, “That was phenomenal. That was so much fun. I have been obsessed with you since day one. America, whip out your devices and vote. That was spectacular.” Peedy sang Ronnie Milsap’s “Stranger in My House.” Blake said, “I have so much confidence in you when you get onstage. You are so good at what you do. I have never heard you do a country song. You keep showing so many layers.” Hailey sang Christina Perri’s “Jar of Hearts.” Kelly said, “This girl just turned 14. You are built for a show like this. Your voice is so stunning, so moving. You have so much soul to you.” Vaughn performed Sam Smith’s “Lay Me Down.” Ariana said, “You have never sounded better. That was so beautiful, stunning and moving. Seeing you back tonight is such a spectacular gift.” Then the vote was tallied and Carson revealed that the winner of the Wildcard Instant Save was Hailey Mia. The Voice airs Monday and Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on NBC. Next, Here’s What We Know About Season 21 of The Voice, Including the Mega Mentor