It was the first time that deliberations had been done that way, and according to Howie it is because, “we just wanted to make a more entertaining, less-drawn-out production than we have; the process is basically the same. We talk constantly, even off-camera, and we’re legitimately passionate about who is chosen to go all the way to the live shows. So, the actual process is the same; the location is different.” But first, they have to watch the final night of auditions, which will include 51-year-old rocker Anica, a Realtor from Canada, who energetically belts out Janis Joplin’s “Piece of My Heart” in hopes of making her childhood dream of being a singer come true. Each season of AGT is full of singers, but not so many rock ‘n’ roll performers, so will Simon, Heidi, Howie and Sophia put her through? Tune in on Tuesday, July 20 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on NBC to get the answer! Next, Simon Cowell Does Something on America’s Got Talent That Has Never Ever Been Done Before!